Chelsea Handler's Tragic Real-Life Story

Posted by Tobi Tarwater on Saturday, June 15, 2024

During her teenage years, Chelsea Handler not only began to experiment with drugs — she experimented with sex, as well. In a piece written for Playboy, the comedienne said that, at the age of 16, she went through a "very bad stage" in life, adding, "I hated my parents and I was having unprotected sex with my boyfriend, who was not someone I should've been having sex with in the first place, never mind unprotected sex."

When she wound up getting pregnant, she thought she would have the child. Her mother and father had other plans. "[My parents] acted like parents for one of the very first times in my life and took me to Planned Parenthood," she wrote. After terminating the pregnancy, she described feeling "relieved." Nevertheless, Handler got pregnant by the same guy for a second time that same year, which she admits was "irresponsible."

"I didn't have the money the second time. I had to scrape together the $230 to pay Planned Parenthood, but it was a safe abortion," she wrote. Looking back on her two unplanned pregnancies, and the way in which they ended, Handler has no regrets. "I don't ever look back and think, God, I wish I'd had that baby," she shared.
